Stop bugging me!
Still having that headache I was talking about few minutes ago. This should be a short post.
Anyways, I had a call from someone while I was taking a nap this afternoon. She sounded so much like Chu Yueh, I talked to her as if it was her like "Hi!" in a happy tone. I bet she could hear that my voice sounded like I was talking to a friend on the other line. Then everything changed. While I was still wondering why she (Chu Yueh) would call me (and I thought it was church stuff), she introduced her self as someone from TrueSpa. The spa related to True Fitness. She later told me that I was recommended by Cheryl Poo to go for a free one-day trial of any 3 treatments offered. All of which I had forgotten or wasn't paying attention. Immediately, upon hearing that, my tone changed. I began to talk with disinterest and even gave an excuse that I'm not free this week. She replied saying she'll check if there's any slot next week and will call me if she could arrange that. In my head I was already thinking of avoiding the call if she really called. You have no idea how many times these gym people have been calling me. Thanks to the smarty-pants, I've been bugged by 3 gyms so far. Fitness First called, Celebrity called and now, True Fitness. Do I look like I need the gym??(Don't answer that)
I felt like killing Cheryl after that. The best part is, she told me she had purposely allowed the Spa people to mention her name, thought it could be fun. For old times' sake she claims.
I say, that girl really needs some spanking. For old times' sake.