Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Ah... feels good to blog again. I suddenly have this urge for blogging, one I didn't experience for a long time.

First and foremost, I would like to apologise to my non-existent readers for my disappearing act since January. I have been looking for the right mood and inspiration to come up with a little simple piece of what's in my mind.

Personally, I prefer mind-boggling than blogging. In case you don't understand, mind-boggling is where I arrange the thoughts in my mind and not in words. That way, I don't have to think of those nice fancy words to put in here and crack my head just to write what's been on my mind.

Sigh, I need to buck up on my English man. Sometimes, I'm just so lost for words with what to write/type. This partly explains my disappearing act for a month from this blog. I envy those who can write what's on their mind without even thinking of the words. They just come out like water flowing from the river. Oh, whatever, you get me. Well, maybe I'm a little perfectionist in this matter and maybe er... self-conscious...?

Yes, maybe I should start the blogging routine. I shall blog whatever that's in my mind or anything that comes past my path in my daily life. No more thinking of bombastic words, interesting stories,or peculiar happenings. As long as it affects me, I shall just speak my mind!

Could it really be possible???

We'll see tomorrow. :)


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